Half term customisation workshop

I am running 'Sew with Jo' classes all of next week for the half term holidays. One of my favourite sessions is the customisation workshop on Friday 27th October. I love the possibilities in updating something plain with your very own style.
We will start with a plain t-shirt and have some fun looking at ribbons, trims, fabric for pockets or frills - and then settle upon a design that you love. I will then guide you through the techniques needed to help you create the look you want.

You might want to add in some embroidery or a lace panel or maybe some ruffles around your shoulders - and if you are stuck for ideas, I have plenty of inspiration to help you along.
You will need to bring along a plain t-shirt in your size (it doesn't have to be new) and I will supply the rest.
We will also make a fabric necklace to co-ordinate with your new tee!
Check out the book online section of the website for more details and to book.